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Peeking Tiger

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

A Peaking Challenge

(peeking Tiger)

A celebration and show of support for Jason, a.k.a. Tiger, whom is going to race across the U.S. in hopes of winning the 8 person category of RAAM (not the truck). His team goal is to PEAK with a new record. Here’s the current one:

(by the way: Kurt Broadhag used to be in our training group)

To show your moral support for Tiger/Jason and improve your own performance we will all try to reach our own peak – and in so doing become the better (as well as win, win, win, valuable prizes).

Here’s what to do:

- Choose what you are determined to peak

o You may choose (your peak) power or speed

- Keep account of your peak(ing) over the next 4 weeks

o As you train focus on improving your peak

o I will take an on-going peek at your progress

- Send me* your peak (power or speed) from any workout session between now and by June 19, 2022

o Everyone exhibiting a marked improvement [over the next 3 weeks] in their peak will get a…


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