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A Topper for 2021

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

(a fast ride to the top of some place)

Let’s start 2021 by putting a beat-up top hat on and attack 2021 with some class. We all need a race; so here’s one to begin this year’s “palmarès”. (but seriously don’t put a hat on just wear your helmet).

Object : GET TO THE TOP (and win a “valuable” prize): TWO WAYS TO WIN!!!

- Place in the top 25% of your age/gender/weight category in one of the Strava segments (below).

- Or set a personal best on one of the segments below (before January 21) then better that “baseline” time (before February 21).


- Open to everyone. Riding is at your own discretion.

- Entry fee is $5 (payable via paypal (

- Riders enrolled in my coaching service do not pay entry fee (friends/family are free too).

- Contact me via e-mail of your entry before January 21.

- Include: name, shipping address, category (gender/age/weight) and the segment you intend to ride.

- If you are going for personal best; include your baseline – beginning time you’d completed already (before January 21).

*You don’t have to have a Strava account to enter, but it will make it easier to check results.

Palomar (San Diego)

Silverado Canyon (Orange CO)

GMR (L.A.)

Official Old San Marcos (Santa Barbara)


A Topper
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